Executive CommitteeMDGC officers are elected by ballot at the district's fall meeting in even-numbered years and serve for 2-year terms. The Parliamentarian is appointed.
INTERIM DIRECTOR – Diane Olsen 414-578-2513 (h) 262-894-5323 (c) Town & Country Garden Club 1st VICE DIRECTOR – Marsha Caporaso 262-551-5538 Four Seasons Garden Club 2nd VICE DIRECTOR - Nicholas Lemus 414-719-6424 Garden Club of Greater Milwaukee RECORDING SECRETARY - Janet Wintersberger 414 640 3326 Garden Club of Greater Milwaukee TREASURER - Kerry Krokos 414-628-4545 Western Acres Garden Club CORRESPONDING SECRETARY - Norma McReynolds 608-215-3030 Town & Country Garden Club ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR - Cheryl Lausten 262-781-6220 Elm Grove Garden Club PARLIAMENTARIAN - Cheryl Lausten 262-781-6220 Elm Grove Garden Club |
Board of DirectorsThe MDGC Board of Directors consists of the Executive Committee, the following chairpersons of the Standing and Special Committees and the president of each garden club in the Milwaukee District.
AWARDS CHAIR - Kerry Krokos 414-628-4545 Western Acres Garden Club BLUE/GOLD STAR MARKER CHAIR - Nancy Gregory 414-933-9167 Town & Country Garden Club HABITAT FOR HUMANITY CHAIR - Susan Miller 414-254-5944 Garden Club of Greater Milwaukee HISTORIAN - Open ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES CHAIR - Cheryl Lausten 262-781-6220 Elm Grove Garden Club REGISTRAR - Open SCHOLARSHIP CHAIR - Nicholas Lemus 414-719-6424 Garden Club of Greater Milwaukee |
District Meetings
The Board of Directors meets at least two times a year.
Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee meets at least twice a year and at the discretion of the District Director.
Milwaukee District Garden Clubs (MDGC) was founded in 1932 as a part of the Wisconsin Garden Club Federation which is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc. and its Central Region. A not-for-profit educational organization, we serve gardeners in Dodge, Jefferson, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha counties who are gardening for good in our communities.